Time For A Break

I wasn't sure what to expect from myself when I decided to start up my blog again. Would I be able to come up with enough things to write about? Would I be able to keep up with my desired pace of one post per week? I believe I have found my answer to that. Starting at the end of May, I've since wrote twenty-nine posts including this one. (That makes fifty-one total posts if you count the ones I wrote under the blog title Electric Feast.) Some are shorter, but for the most part, the posts are pretty meaty. After plenty of thought, I have decided the best thing for the blog and myself would be to take a break. This doesn't mean I've stopped or will stop working on it. What it means is the blog isn't the only creative outlet I have, and I need to transfer some of that mojo into other projects. I need that for me. I also want to make sure that I can sustain the blog going forward and that means it can't always be a full-time, never-breaking endeavor. I don...