Not So New Resolutions For The New Year

Have you heard about New Year's resolutions enough yet? We all know it's going to come, and with the prevalence of social media, it gets blasted through the internet into everyone's feeds. The news and entertainment sites come up with an array of articles taking a look at this tired tradition. I, too, get sucked into an article here and there. Some people make their resolutions known to their friends and followers. According to articles in the digital abyss, I've heard that this is good or bad depending on what you're reading. One article says it's bad, because while the act of saying it out loud makes the person feel better about themselves, it actually only tricks the brain into thinking it has already accomplished the goal. With each repeat, the person is less likely to follow through. Another article says it's good, because the act of making it public keeps a person accountable. I would wager a guess that follow-through on a resolution probabl...