My Wife Is Psyched About Her Alias

I'm not going to say that two people in a relationship have to like all of the same movies and TV shows, but preferences can say a lot about a person without actually saying much. A picture is worth a thousand words, I've heard. Well, do moving pictures equal more? There's obviously a lot more that goes into any one relationship and that was certainly the case with us. The first two shows my wife and I watched together when we started "dating" were Psych and Alias . I say "dating" with quotes because we never dated as much as we were just not married yet. I didn't know anything about the TV show Psych , and I knew very little about Alias going into it. What those shows ultimately showed me was that I could sit on the couch each night watching TV with this person and have a great time. And, somewhat oddly, it helped us to get to know each other better. Events and dialogue in a show or movie can spur dialogue amongst its viewers. And more...